by FrodshamWI | Feb 7, 2023 | Frodsham WI
So proud of what our fellow WI members have achieved with the guardianship of Manley Copse. If you want to visit a tranquil and mindful space, you’ll find the Copse on (lower) Manley Road (right hand side, just past the entrance to Brackenway). The February edition of WI life has a feature article and we’re front cover

by FrodshamWI | Feb 7, 2023 | Frodsham WI
Just a few shots from our fabulous 75th birthday meal held at Frodsham Community Centre and catered for by Emily’s Feasts. Such a wonderful meal with great company, reflecting on the 75 year journey this local association has been on and looking forward to new adventures in the years to come. 

by FrodshamWI | Jun 15, 2022 | Frodsham WI

We have planted a tree at Manley Copse as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy, to celebrate the 70 year reign of Queen Elizabeth 2nd. Committee members were very pleased to have their photograph taken alongside the tree, and with the Queen!
This week we welcomed Caroline Ashton who officially unveiled the tree and a special plaque for us.
by FrodshamWI | Jun 15, 2022 | Frodsham WI
rodsham WI were very pleased to support Frodsham Town Council at the Picnic in the Park celebrations for the Queen’s Jubilee.
There were some lovely hats entered into the competition! The judges had some difficult decisions to make!
Well done to all the winners!
by FrodshamWI | Mar 21, 2022 | Frodsham WI
Frodsham WI are organising a hat competition to take place at the Picnic in the Park, on Sunday 4th June 2022.
Come and join in the fun!