Garden Safari

Garden Safari

In August, three members opened their gardens for us to enjoy a chance to meet face to face in groups of less than six, enjoy friendship and some refreshments. The weather was kind to us, the gardens were beautiful, the tea flowed and so did the conversation. We all had a memorable afternoon.
Thinking of Joining Us?

Thinking of Joining Us?

The yearly subscription for Frodsham WI is £48, but visitors can visit three times before we ask them to join. There is a weekly coffee morning group that meets at Dory’s on Church Street at 10am indoors, all welcome.

The walking group meets every month and usually walk about 5 miles. The book group are also  meeting regularly once a month. There is a craft group, a bowls group, a darts group and we are hoping to try to set up some further new groups!. We have a gardening group who meet at Manley Copse on a regular basis. See that page for more information.

We would love to hear any suggestions!